My husband and I got matching tattoos that say "I always dream", and "always dream of me" in different languages. Mine is in Spanish, as shown above, and my husband's is in German.. "Traum Immer Von Mir". (For some reason the two little dots above the "a" wont show up?) Mine is located right under my left breast, right by my heart. My husbands tattoo is called a "Rocker", basically just a chest piece tattoo.
Anyway, I'm a Navy wife, so these tattoos are to remind us to always think and dream of each other while we are apart. It's hard being a military family, but the only thing that keeps us together no matter what is love. I'm always a dreamer so I got this to remind me to never stop.
So what do YOU think about tattoos? Would you ever get one? Do you already have one?
those are amazing tattoos! i have one and am going to get more! especially if they mean something they are so addicting :)